
Recognising signs of stress

A lot of things may enter our minds when we hear the word “stress.” We might be thinking about the school works due tomorrow, the heavy traffic on a Friday night, the financial crisis we are going through, or even the unexpected situations we recently experienced. 

As you can see, several things might cause us stress. But what is stress?

Benefits of online education

We are lifelong learners. We desire to learn more, enhance our skills, and achieve things. However, learning can be challenging for some because they have full-time jobs and family concerns, while others experience financial crises. 

Online education is a good alternative for those who cannot afford to go to traditional classroom settings. Online education bridges the gap to help learners achieve their goals in their careers. Online education has several benefits.

Counselling approaches

Professional counsellors use several approaches and different theories and philosophies set the groundwork for these approaches. Some counsellors may apply one approach, while others may combine approaches depending on the client’s needs.

How much do counsellors earn in U.K. and U.S.?

As mental health awareness increases nowadays, people start to turn to counsellors to help them with their mental and emotional problems. Starting a career as a counsellor is good timing as counselling gains more recognition and becomes more available to different community sectors.

So if you are considering pursuing a career as a counsellor, you might be wondering how much does a counsellor earn?

Where do counsellors work?

Workplace of counsellors is not limited to one setting only. They can work in various settings like centers, hospitals, facilities, clinics, prisons, schools, businesses and homes.

They can work for a large organization or be fixed in a specific location. They can also move to different places to meet their clients. The only requirement for them to conduct their counselling sessions is a private place where they can discuss with their clients without any disturbances and interruptions.  

Training to become a counsellor

Counsellors play a significant role in the lives of their clients. It is a rewarding career, but it is not easy as well. Proper training and education will help the counsellor provide quality services to the client. 

Benefits of integrating counseling skills in your practice

Being a counsellor doesn’t only mean learning theories and principles. A good counsellor also possesses counselling skills that will help the client experience a successful counselling session. Counselling skills can be developed through time and can be applied to clients with varying beliefs, views, backgrounds and experiences.

Benefits of Workplace Counseling

Having workplace counseling has a lot of benefits not only for employees but for the organization as well. It can act as a bridge between employees and organizations towards successful relations, understanding both parties, and uniting to achieve business goals.

Ways to protect your mental health when using social media

The advancement of technology also paved the way for the wide use of social media applications. Social media has dramatically impacted our lives- positively and negatively. It is a great way to communicate and connect with our loved ones, but sometimes it can also cause us mental health problems. It is vital that we find the right balance when to use and not use social media.

Tips to stay productive when studying or working from home​

Ever since the pandemic started, lots of companies required their employees to work from home. Schools are also not exempted as students take classes virtually. Work and study from home set-up are new for most of us. Some might find it hard to adjust since the boundary between work or school and personal lives may become blurry. We rest and relax at home, but now, we also work or learn from home.

Here are some tips to help you stay productive when studying or working from home: 

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